Specialising in bag sizes from 75ltr-200ltr plants
If you are looking for advanced trees or shrubs for sale on the Gold Coast we carry an extensive range. We offer wholesale prices to the general public while also supplying large quantity orders to the residential and commercial landscape trades, local and interstate councils, government and development industry as well as other wholesale and retail nurseries. Please note photos of plants indicative of stock for an updated image please contact us directly to request a photo. A current price list can be provided upon request please note All Prices Exclude GST. Our plant list is directly updated on EvergreenConnect on a regular basis. Check out our FEATURED page for plants that we think are looking great at the moment.
Our current plant list:

Common name Blush Satinash height 4-6m Attributes:Specimen , Hedging/Screening , Flowering

Agathis robusta (Queensland Kauri Pine) is a slow-growing but long-lived large evergreen conifer that can reach a height of 25 - 30 metres. The crown is dense, but often small in forest-grown trees, becoming more elongate when trees grow in the open. The straight, cylindrical bole can be free of branches for more than half the height of the tree and 100 - 150cm or more in diameter.

Height at Maturity up to 3-4m

Norfolk Island Pine

Backhousia citriodora (Lemon Myrtle) is a relatively slow-growing, aromatic, evergreen tall shrub or small tree, 4-6m. The plant usually branches from quite low down the bole. The plant is often used as a flavouring and to make a refreshing tea - it has become widely used in the gourmet bushfood industry. The leaves are also valued for their essential oil content and are gathered from the wild.

Bottle tree is an evergreen tree that can become deciduous in a drought. 5-8m . As the trees grow they develop their characteristic bulbous trunk which gives rise to the common name and which makes the tree unmistakable. Some trunks have become as large as 3.5 metres in diameter.

Betula nigra Tropical Birch. Height at Maturity up to 10m

Leopard Tree. Height at Maturity up to 15m

Tuckeroo. Height at Maturity up to 5-10m

Delonix regia is a fast-growing tree with an umbrella shaped, spreading crown with the long, nearly horizontal branches forming a diameter that is wider than the tree’s height. Usually evergreen, the trees are deciduous in areas where the dry season is long and pronounced. The tree grows 10 - 18 metres tall, with a large, buttressed bole that can attain a girth of up to 2 metres.

Eumundi Quandong, species grows between 8-10m tall and 3-5m wide

Ficus Hillii

Magnolia grandiflora Coolwyn Gloss

Magnolia grandiflora cv. Teddy Bear (Southern Charm) has large oval leaves, bushy habit, and smaller growth.

Magnolia grandiflora Exmouth is notable for its huge flowers, Magnolia Exmouthwith up to 20 tepals, and vigorous growth. Erect in habit, it is often planted against walls. The leaves are green above and brownish underneath. The flowers are very fragrant and the leaves are narrow and leathery.

Magnolia grandiflora Little Gem, a dwarf cultivar, is a slower-Magnolia Little Gemgrowing form with a columnar shape which reaches around 4 m high and 1.2 m wide. Flowering heavily over an extended period in warmer climate, it bears medium-sized, cup-shaped flowers, and has elliptic leaves.

Peltophorum pterocarpum